Portal:1974 Spring Men

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1974 Spring Men Portal


Team Record

A Side Record
Date Opponent Score Notes
3 Mar Mines 23-3 at DU
17 Mar Highlanders 29-3
23 Mar New South Wales County 3-20 Spring Break Monterey Tournament
23 Mar Oregon State 16-9 Spring Break Monterey Tournament
24 Mar Cal Davis 6-12 Spring Break Monterey Tournament
24 Mar Houston 12-3 Spring Break Monterey Tournament
26 Mar Mather AFB 12-4 Spring Break at Mather
27 Mar UC Davis 4-8 Spring Break at UC Davis
28 Mar UC Berkeley 6-36 Spring Break at UC Berkeley
<date> BYU 26-6 played with two feet of snow on half the field
<date> Grizzlies 8-4
9 Apr Cranwell 36-4 at AFA and played with more finesse than in years past
20 Apr Alumni 16-0
21 Apr Wyoming 18-3 at Wyoming
27 Apr Kirtland AFB 39-3
4 May CU 17-4 Olympia Cup Rd 1
4 May Highlanders 7-3 Olympia Cup Rd 2
5 May Harlequins 21-6 Olympia Cup Rd 3
5 May Barbos 6-10 Olympia Cup Championship Match with Osur playing for Barbos
later in May Denver Seven's <score> lost to Iowa team in first round, fought back to lose to them again in the final; second place. seven matches in one day with a 7 man roster!
<date> Western Seven's Champions
Season Record 14-5
B Side Record
Date Opponent Score Notes
3 Mar DU 3-11
17 Mar Highlander C 26-8
<date> Santa Fe
<date> Albuqueque <score>
21 Apr Wyoming B 12-3 at Wyoming
28 Apr Colorado Springs won at AFA
5 May Mines 15-13 Stuart Harris Cup (B sides) Champions
Season Record xx-yy
Last Name *onseason First Name Class
Carter* Jim 76
Read* Gary 74
Priddy Warren 74
Woock* Dan 75
Barry* Bruce 74
Meeker* Jim 74
Reza* Sal 76
Facenda* Joe 75
Applehans* Lou 74
Sheppard* Randy 75
Grancolas* Jim 74
Segulja* Tom 74
Williams Terry 76
Laney Russ 76
Fry Doug 76
Rosenberg Nate 74
Webber* Dick 75
Stepko* Kevin 76
Deloney* Mike 75
Arnold* Bobby 74
Murphy* William 74
Russell* Bobby 74
Weiss* Tom 74
Burda* Dan 75
Hente* Scott 75
Erving* Claude 75
Isabelle* Marc 75
Perry* Tim 75
Soto* Chris 75
Casey* Raymond 76
Bradley* Ken 76
Jensen* Craig 76
Loerakker* Steven 76
Riewerts* Steven 76
Rose* James 76
Szkarlat* Stanley 76
Underwood* Michael 76
Wodtke* Arnold 76
Eustace* James 77
Jarka* Dan 77
Jones* Clarence 77
Liby* Gaylord 77
Murphy* Robert 77
Carlson* Rich 76
Carmichael Kevin 77
Collazo (LaSaxon) Vic 74

Post Season Experience/Records

As a Player

Bob Arnold - Eagle Trialist 1978 and 1979

Bob Arnold - Ozark Selects 1975 - 1980 (captain 78 and 79)

Selected to Representative Teams as a Grad

Starting Other Teams:

As a Referee

As a Coach



Head Coach - Tex Byrd

Assistant Coach - Sqdn Leader Bruce Allcorn

Assistant Coach - Sqdn Leader Brian Reynolds

Assistant Coach - Rick Kamm

Assistant Coach B side- David Stables, RAF

Assistant Coach - John Pollard, BA

OIC - Tom Bradley

Officer Rep - Colonel Mandy Baird

Assistant OIC - Harry Bennett

Assistant OIC - David MacIsaac



C1C Warren Priddy

C1C Bobby Arnold


Sitting: Carter ’76, Meeker '74, Barry '74, Deloney '75, Murphy '74, Arnold '74), Read '74, Webber '75 Standing: Coach Byrd, Fitzpatrick '74, Grandcolas '74, Priddy '74, Sheppard '75, Reza ’76, Facenda '75, Segulja '74, Woock '75, Tsgt Dan ? (Trainer),Appelhans '74, Colonel Mandy Baird

Click here for more 1974 Spring Men pictures

Memorable Events

(per Coach Byrd) - The turning point for the season was our convincing win over Cranwell, a team we beat with hard hitting football tactics, but this match we beat them with superior quickness, speed and passing.... in other words, at their own game, finesse. As a side note on the Cranwell game, the Brits may have lost the game but they definitely won the post game party. The Brit Brigadier (I've forgotten his official RAF rank) was last seen leg wrestling at the O' club o/a 0130 along with several involved bystanders!!

In the finals of the Coors Cup, Al Osur was playing for the Barbos, and had Bobby Arnold not gotten hurt early in the second half, the outcome might have been different. Bobby was team captain and it was certainly entertaining and inspirational to play alongside him.

Dick Webber remembers a great game against Berkeley in a driving rain storm with ankle deep mud. In their scrum, they had lots of off-season lineman from their football team and their backs were a mix of linebackers & very talented Samoans. For him "it was a great education on how to play the game at a high level!"

1971 Warren Priddy selected to ERRFU and Western Collegiate Selects

In spring '74, Steve Riewerts, Ken Bradley, Kevin Stepko and Rich Carlson were called up from the B side to make the spring break trip to Monterey and NorCal to join Jimmy Carter and Sal Reza, who were the only 76ers on the A side for the entire season.

(from the Barbos yearbook) "the final game against the Academy was a classic speed vs strength and skill. It was close until the zoomies made a critical mistake and made a blatantly late hit on our coach and fly half, Alan Osur. The intensity level went up immediately and we began to take it to the cadets. The AF had won the ball from the loose and tossed a poor pass to the little fly half who was bobbling the ball when Gay Guthrie got up a head of steam and literally ran through the unfortunate zoomie, who spent the next few minutes on the ground. We went on to win the game"

Jim Grandcolas (Crunchy) In the Spring of 1974 on our way back from a rugby match in Denver and on I-25, there were 5 or 6 of us in Bobby Arnold’s van resting comfortably on the floor in the back of his van, when all of a sudden there was a loud bang and our van swerved to the right and as Bobby slowed, a car sped by taking the next exit and leaving the paved surface half way down the exit. Bobby, suspecting the hit and run driver was going to escape, slowed almost to a stop, jumped out of his van and ran to the drivers side of the car to detain him. To our consternation, he ripped the driver out of his seat, pinned him to the ground and what looked like began to bite his face and pummel him. Fearing the worst, we were relieved to find out the driver had had an epileptic fit, swallowed his tongue and was suffocating. Bobby had cleared his air passage and was applying a form of rugby CPR. I believe both Louie Appelhans and, once again, Gary Read was in the van and can verify my memory. As they say ‘and the rest is history’. Bobby Arnold was awarded some kind of life saving medal on the parade grounds at the next big Wing Parade and he went on to become an MD.