From Left to Right: Tom Jee '80, Jeff Richards '80, Mark Ploederer '81, Jeff Lamont '81 (jumper), Mark Roling '81 (red hair, back to the camera), JC Dodson '80 (back to the camera).
After the Cranwell match, Back Row: Osur, Chirko, Cartney, Brown, Stark, Jones, McNabb, Roling, Smith, Lamont, Miller, Dodson, Robbins, Jee, RIchard, Smith, Fisk; Front Row: Med tech, Prokopowicz, Sirote, Ploederer, Burrows, ? , Nagie, Motz
Returning from Royal Roads,Back: Meyer, Skarstead, Brown, Jeter, Jee, Roling, Miller, Shillingoton, ?, Nagie, Origel, Front: Motz, Schultz Jones, Golden, Eyre, Smith